Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Splash of Goodness

Tropical Goodness is another one of my favorites.
Having a harder time this week with eating, I've had a headache and a splurge day (Taco salad, pretzels and iced coffee). Plus a weird craving for milk, which I don't normally like. Other than that my eating has been ok, but I don't feel like I've lost any more weight, I'm going to keep on going and hope for the best. I think the worst part of trying to eat good, is that after about a week, you start to realize all of the little things that are in the house that are unhealthy. Stuff like like crackers and bread. Thankfully, I've found a healthy alternative for when I want a snack that tastes amazing. You've probably seen them in your local Walmart before, Bolthouse Farms juice. They're a wonderful treat, and all of the flavors I've tried have been good; my favorite being Green Goodness. They aren't too high in calorie, so they would make a good breakfast too. It was about time for some more music, and since this song's been on my mind a lot lately, that's what you get. Music really helps me when I'm down and out. Matthew West is one of my favorite artists and his music is often on in my room.  What's you're favorite healthy snack? Let me know in the comments!I'm not going to post tomorrow, I've got company using my room, and that's where my computer is. So Monday will be my next post  I'll probably get some before pictures put up. That way you can see what I'm dealing with. See you on Monday!


  1. Friend of Donna's, here to support you. Keep up the great work and feel free to connect for more support!

    1. Thanks so much, I hope you enjoy my posts!

  2. Congrats to you for taking charge of your health. I know it seems really hard to lose weight now, but it's even worse when you're older. I'm struggling something terrible to keep mine in check too.

    As for my favorite healthy snack, it's frozen bananas. I have one of the Yonanas gadgets and you can use it to make your own faux ice cream from your favorite frozen fruit. I also really like the chocolate nuts and sea salt Kind Bars.

    1. Thanks for the support, and that's exactly why I'm trying to get it under control now! My family used to put frozen bananas through our champion juicer to make ice cream, then put raw chocolate almond sauce on top. It was delicious!
