Monday, December 28, 2015

Back On Track!

We get to see all types of wildlife while hunting, there is
portion of the land where quail are encouraged, so we got
to see quite a few southern bobwhites.
Boy is it nice to be back home! It took me a little longer than I thought to get settled back down to normal life again, but I'm happy to be around the rest of my family again. My brother came home as the top hunter of the family this year since he got three deer in the first two days. One was a large buck. Both my dad and I helped lower the predator population on the quail farm, but we didn't get any deer. Eating didn't go as well as planned. Pretty much meaning no one did anything they said they would. I did gain weight, and I felt horrid. It went sort of like this. Didn't drink enough water, fried chicken for dinner, the whole nine yards. I'm still trying to get my head out of the vacation mindset. I gained six pounds over the holidays, but on the bright side, I did get a bit of exercise stumbling across muddy fields in heavy boots to get to a stand, along with biking up and down steep hills yesterday. I was going to post some pictures from the trip that my brother took, but I'm still trying to get him to send them to me. I also wanted to let you know that I'll be trying something our Chiropractor suggested for weight loss. It's called Shibboleth, it's a free christian weight loss guide which looks like a low fat low carb approach to things. It looks pretty reasonable, so I'll give it a try for at least a couple of weeks. I like trying new things just to get a feel for it then adapt it into what I do permanently. I'm starting Shibboleth today, so it'll be interesting to see how that goes. If anyone is interested, I'll put the link on the bottom of the page so you can check it out. breakfast was an omelet with spinach and green olives. I was going to take a picture of it, but I forgot until I was halfway through it. It feels good to be back to posting, and I look forward t whatever's next. See you soon!

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