Monday, December 28, 2015

Back On Track!

We get to see all types of wildlife while hunting, there is
portion of the land where quail are encouraged, so we got
to see quite a few southern bobwhites.
Boy is it nice to be back home! It took me a little longer than I thought to get settled back down to normal life again, but I'm happy to be around the rest of my family again. My brother came home as the top hunter of the family this year since he got three deer in the first two days. One was a large buck. Both my dad and I helped lower the predator population on the quail farm, but we didn't get any deer. Eating didn't go as well as planned. Pretty much meaning no one did anything they said they would. I did gain weight, and I felt horrid. It went sort of like this. Didn't drink enough water, fried chicken for dinner, the whole nine yards. I'm still trying to get my head out of the vacation mindset. I gained six pounds over the holidays, but on the bright side, I did get a bit of exercise stumbling across muddy fields in heavy boots to get to a stand, along with biking up and down steep hills yesterday. I was going to post some pictures from the trip that my brother took, but I'm still trying to get him to send them to me. I also wanted to let you know that I'll be trying something our Chiropractor suggested for weight loss. It's called Shibboleth, it's a free christian weight loss guide which looks like a low fat low carb approach to things. It looks pretty reasonable, so I'll give it a try for at least a couple of weeks. I like trying new things just to get a feel for it then adapt it into what I do permanently. I'm starting Shibboleth today, so it'll be interesting to see how that goes. If anyone is interested, I'll put the link on the bottom of the page so you can check it out. breakfast was an omelet with spinach and green olives. I was going to take a picture of it, but I forgot until I was halfway through it. It feels good to be back to posting, and I look forward t whatever's next. See you soon!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Hunting Week

Still not the best for you, but these
snack sticks are tasty and only 40 
Let me list out for you just how bad we usually eat when we go on hunting week. Normally, because mornings are early, we have cereal. But not just any cereal, it's almost always fruity pebbles. Lunch isn't much better, most of the time we are out in the tree stand. We'll either have a cliff bar, or a sandwich we pack with us. The only time lunch gets better is when we have it with our friends who own the property. Then it'll be something along the lines of a roast with green beans or other veggie, which is better. Dinner, well that's an interesting one. Dinner is something like hot dogs with chips or fried chicken and maybe even a frozen pizza. Have you gotten my point yet? We go on this hunting trip once a year, and we eat horrible while gone. This year it's going to be a little different. My family have all agreed that the cereal is going to be replaced by eggs, yogurt, or fruit. Cliff bars will still be around, but we've also added in meat sticks and fruit for in the stand. So at least breakfast and lunch will be better. We'll be eating veggies with almost every dinner too! I'm happy that my whole family has decided it would be best to try to eat a bit better on this trip. Something else that was really exciting, I normally wear size 18 jeans, yesterday my mom gave me a pair of size 16 to try on. I was thinking that there is no way that they would fit me, but I slid them on a zipped them up with no problem! Needless to say that I broke out the happy dance! I'm really excited about our trip, it'll be great family time, and if we get enough deer, we'll be able to share it with our friends. This will be my last post for this week until I get back on the 21st. Hopefully I'll be able to update you on what all went on the same day. Wish me luck, and I'll see you all soon!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


It was tasty, but not worth it.
Hmm, yeah, I'll admit that I had a really bad day yesterday. We had mac 'n cheese and chips for lunch. I'm not exactly sure what the heck I was thinking, but I was in a really bad place. I'm happy to say that today wasn't as bad, and it's bound to only get better. I'm really going to focus on not eating starchy carbs and making sure to keep track of condiments and snacks. I've done really well with my steps today, I've made it over 10,000! I'll post the exact number later tonight. I also wanted to tell you that there will be no posts next week, my family is going on a hunting trip. There isn't going to be any wifi, which will actually be a relief for that amount of time. I like getting away from electronics occasionally. So the rest of this week is going to be taken up with preparing all sorts of stuff. I'll be leaving this Monday and will be gone through Sunday. I'll try to post at least one more time this week, but we'll see how everything goes. This will just be a quicky post today, so I'll see you all soon!

Friday, December 4, 2015


Yep, time to take these out again.
Alright, just wanted to give a quick update so I have at least two posts this week. My exercise is going to get a bit more regular, my brother has become a slave driver! I had already exercised three times this week, so I was going to take the day off, low and behold my brother was all hyped up about exercising! So we did weight lifting and went for an uphill run. He's very excited about getting fit now and has an exercise plan, he asked me if I wanted to do it with him, so I said yes. This ought to be interesting, but it'll be nice to have an exercise buddy. Plus, my dad got my bike up and running, so I have a lot of different ways I can be exercising. There's walking, cycling, weight lifting, strength training exercises, yoga, and weighted hula hooping as legitimate options.Now that it's finally stopped raining, I can go outside and actually havesome fun with my exercise instead of sitting around wondering what I can do. In my health class for school, I've been learning about aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises, like walking, oxygenates your muscles. While anaerobic exercise, like weight lifting, doesn't. The lack of oxygen to the muscles is part of what makes them sore. Eventually muscles will die off without oxygen, the best exercise is a combination of both aerobic and anaerobic. So that's what I'm going to try to do. Ok, yes, I am done talking about exercise for now. My eating hasn't been the best these last few days, I've had more carbs than I probably should have, and have slipped into eating larger portions again. I'm struggling with that and ask for prayer. Also, I've not been sleeping very well. My throat dries out in the middle of the night, then it's hard to get back to sleep. For that I'm going to try putting a warm washcloth over my face before I fall asleep. Maybe that will help. Well, that's all for me, I hope you have a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving Week

Who doesn't like turkey?
I don't know about you, but thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite holidays. It can also be a huge opportunity to overeat. Which I didn't do this year! I actually lost one and a half pounds over Thanksgiving, which is awesome! I've been doing good with exercising, and even though I've forgotten to put on my pedometer a couple times, I've still been getting exercise. I've noticed since I started walking about two weeks ago, that I can go much farther without getting completely exhausted. I was able to go two full loops around the neighborhood and I was good, I even was able to run the last little bit home. I haven't been losing much weight each week, but I can feel the difference in my muscles, some cloths fit a little differently too. I'm excited to feel change, but it sure would be nice for that number to drop down some! I've also got a dentists appointment today, really hoping to have no more cavities, I had my fist two last trip, and that wasn't very fun. My walking plan for today is foiled by rain, so I'm just going to try and do a little bit of strength training. Not my favorite thing to do, but not the worst exercise either. My flower stem has gotten white inch long roots sprouting off of the sides, I'm very happy about that, I'll post pictures of it next time I post. But other than that life hasn't been very interesting lately. One of the reasons I've not been posting as much is because there's literally nothing to report. I think that's all I've got for today. See ya later!